PEI is a good idea. I’ll get to that in a minute.
I could tell you all about how hot, windy and loooooong my ride was today, but that’d be no way to sign off.
I could also share a picture of the worlds largest gypsum mine which I passed today, but I didn’t take one. Figured it’d be ugly.
I’m at Laurie provincial park which appears to be within Halifax city limits. It’s a nice, small park on a lake. Undoubtedly preferable to the quality inn at the airport I’ll be in tomorrow night. Interestingly I’m only 5 km as a bird flies from that, but 25 km as a pair of bike wheels spin.
Which works for me since I need 50 km to make this trip a nice round 1200 km. The other 25 km will come from my ride downtown to get a bike box and the best donair the city has to offer.
Sunday I fly home. A two hour flight sure makes 2 weeks of trains, buses, cabs, ferries and mostly a bicycle seem bonkers!
So here are my thoughts on the ride by province.
Quebec is worth looking into more. I have heard great things about cycling gaspé for one thing. And the trail I was on in Quebec was world class. Hopefully there is more like that in the 5000 km of cycling infrastructure Quebec has.
I blew New Brunswick. If I am ever there again with a bike I’d do a lot more research. My guess is the south and the north are pretty nice. The central part I can say is not so much.
PEI exceeded all my expectations. It’s a great place to visit and cycle.
200 km on a busy shoulderless highway puts me in no position to comment on cycling Nova Scotia. I know from a previous trip that there are great places here, and I bet the Cabot trail would be a great ride.
So that’s it folks. Thanks for tuning in.