This island life is a different speed. I left camp at 11 and rode a whopping 41 km today.
From camp it was an hour and a half on the trail to Kensington. There I had more fish and chips from a trail side place called go fish. The food comes in PEI potato sacks. Cute.
Then it was an hour to Cabot Beach provincial park. I was at my site by 3. (Pic 2) I went down to the beach shortly thereafter to swim. While in the water a lifeguard waved me in to tell me they were clearing the beach due to an incoming storm. Obedient lot that Canadians are, everyone left. Except me. I got the whole beach to myself for about 20 minutes. Beautiful place. I don’t think I’ve ever been on a red sand ocean beach.
Right next to this park is a 6 table seafood place called Malpeque Oyster Barn located at what I assume is a marina for fishing boats (Pic 5). I got fish tacos to go. They (it) were good, but I probably should have had oysters or a lobster roll. Side note: someone needs to explain to these maritimers that a taco is in a small corn tortilla and a burrito a large flour one. Geez.
Tomorrow I am going to the western campsite for the PEI national park.