First quick thing – it has come to my attention that folks don’t get notifications when there are replies to their comments. This is a shame because I reply to most, and that has been for naught up until now. So, you will now see a checkbox where you can opt in/out of receiving emails when there are replies to your comments. Can you believe my career has been made building websites with this platform and I was unaware of this?!? 🤦♂️
Second quick thing – I did not ride a bike yesterday. This is rare. Apparently 232 kms is enough for 2 days 🙂
I don’t have a lot to say about that last days ride, other that it was long. I have done most of that route several times and its pretty nice. Especially when you are headed home to your partner, people, cats, bed, and a feast like this:

It’s good to be back.
The ride
This was an incredible ride. 1643 kms and 40,000 ft of elevation gain. My favourite area was Vermont. It was very tough, type 2 fun, but so gorgeous it was worth all the effort. I really enjoyed the solitude of the remote wilderness. Its rare to feel so alone, particularly in such a serene and peaceful place. Those were a few very special days.
And of course Quebec is just amazing for cycling. If anyone, particularly in Toronto, was at all interested in trying out bike touring, Quebec would be a great place to give it a try. The cycling infrastructure is world class. And there is poutine, like, everywhere. And fantastic croissants. All you need to do is keep your eye on Via Rail for when they allow bikes in the trains, probably in 2025. 🤬
The bike
There are a few key events in my life as a cyclist:
- The purchase of my first adult bike in the late 90s. Growing up in a very car centric place, I had completely forgotten about bikes the day I turned 16 and got a license and a car to go with it.
- Quitting drinking in 2010. This was one of the biggest changes in my life, and opened up a lot of time and energy to put into something else.
- Karen giving me a cycling computer to track distance in about 2013. It was a slightly less extreme version of David Sedaris and his Fitbit.
- The realization that cycling is a viable form of long distance travel. I figured, if I like doing something, isn’t doing it more a good thing. This was not unlike my approach to drinking, but obviously healthier in many ways 🙂
- Volunteering with the Bike Brigade starting in 2020. This introduced me to the best group of people I’ve ever associated with, and gave me a great reason to ride more and more and more.
- Acquiring my new bike. This thing opens up a whole new world of possible adventures. I have read here and there that “the answer is always gear.” I don’t like this saying because it is consumerist and exclusive. But I have to admit, I am surprised by the difference between this bike and my beloved Surly. There is almost no comparison. I am pretty excited to see where it’ll take me.

Thank you
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you all keeping me company on these trips. Reading the comments and emails you send keeps my sane. And it is fun to both get to do a solo trip and to socialize so much while doing. it. Until next time!
As much as I worry about you when you’re on these trips, I know what a great opportunity you given yourself. You’ve grown over the years. Exploring new countries, meeting interesting people, it’s been wonderful for you. You’ve accomplish so much and I know you’ll accomplish more. Keep riding new places, keep doing your posts as I can’t wait for the next one. Love you, Ma
Love you too
I very much enjoyed being along with you for this journey. Your writing is easy and graceful, with plenty of detail and relentless enthusiasm. It’s a great continuation of my forty plus years of knowing you. Thanks, and keep it up! All the best to you and Karen and the boys.
plenty of detail. You trying to tell me something Lyle 🤣
Thank you for sharing your adventures, I looked forward to the update every night. You have been very missed, every single person that came by in your absence got a barking to because they weren’t you.
❤️I’m looking forward to visiting you and the pups on Friday!
We’ve been counting down the days! Snoop has a new hobby to tell you about, and it’s a funny one.
Jeez Chad, a day off? What a lightweight 😄 Actually, Dave S and I were out on a cfto run on Monday, pondering whether you would be out delivering or not. A well deserved break for you and the Panorama. Now get back out there! 😛
Oh and for those like me aren’t in the know, here is a primer on “Type 2 fun.” Though I think for me a ride like this would be wholly Type 3 territory!
I’ve waited so long to read this for two reasons: I wanted the space to read it and because I always get sad when your blogs end. Love you.